I am not typically a “history person,” but your class showed me that I had just not yet found a history course I was interested in. I really enjoyed the intersection between science and history, and will definitely be considering taking more classes along that track. Your support for the underclassmen in the class was appreciated and I am glad I challenged myself to take the course. I am grateful to have been in your first class teaching here at F&M, and I hope to be able to take more of your classes in the future.
— History of Public Health in the US, F&M, Fall 2022
He’s constantly challenging your thoughts. While at times it was a bit rough when you didn’t have evidence to back it up, he meant it in all good intents. Someone has to push you even further with claims and he is very much the professor to do so. And to be quite honest, I really like this tactic. It forces you to stop and think about your claim before you say it because, yeah it’s fine to want to add in to the discussion. However, it’s not really meaningful if you don’t have evidence to back it up and other sources as well. Thanks for always keeping me on my toes in discussion and with my exams.
— History of Science from 1700, UMBC, Spring 2020
I enjoyed the hands-on research aspects of this course. Throughout this course, I was able to examine vital records and other primary sources, visit archives, and do other work that I feel has contributed to my preparation for a career in history. Few of my other history courses have given me as strong of a hands-on experience as this one, and Dr. Bonneau seemed eager to emphasize these parts of the course as much as possible.
— History of Public Health in the US, F&M, Spring 2022
Professor Bonneau is very approachable and knowledgeable. He has a vast amount of knowledge and helps students in many ways. Having cameras on was actually very helpful. It kept me engaged and focused on the discussions. It also made me feel more comfortable with speaking, because I could see affirming nods as I spoke.
— The Social History of American Medicine, UMBC, Spring 2021
Dr. Bonneau has such a passion for what he teaches. All of his lectures are extremely fun and entertaining. He does a wonderful job of engaging students and drawing interest. I have taken 3 classes with Dr. Bonneau and I always recommend him to others. He helped shape my passion for history, and truly made me a better writer. I am very thankful to have had him and it was a great semester!
— History of Medicine and Public Health, UMBC, Fall 2021
I enjoyed the class and I also appreciated the efforts of Dr. Bonneau to inform us about the Public History program and available internships. I am not a history major, but I have started to consider talking to my advisor about the possibility of completing a minor, which I hadn’t considered, yet. Thank you for a great semester, Dr. Bonneau!
— History of Science to 1700, UMBC, Fall 2020
I liked how easy and comfortable this instructor made it to join in a discussion. I have found other instructors to be unapproachable and judgmental, but he was not this at all. He was very nice but was also firm when it came to giving honest feedback. I also greatly appreciated how flexible he was with the curriculum of the class given our time restraints of the semester.
— Human Context of Science and Technology, UMBC, Winter 2023
I value the enthusiasm you had for helping me finish my thesis. Your instruction captured my imagination and made me think. I also benefited from the kindness you show all your students and am most grateful for it.
— Thesis Student, UMBC, Spring 2022
There was not a specific part of the course that was better that the rest of the course. He really made students want to learn about the topics discussed and read in class.
— History of Medicine and Public Health, UMBC, Fall 2020
I enjoyed all the discussions we had and it was possible because of the smaller class size. This was the best class I have had during the COVID–19 online learning because of all the discussions we had, it made it feel closest to a classroom setting.
— The Social History of American Medicine, UMBC, Spring 2021
He is very enthusiastic about the course and the material being taught and he always has feedback on what the students say.
— The Social History of American Medicine, UMBC, Spring 2021
The classroom approach that was really effective was how many class discussions there were, and the kind of questions being asked were often really thought–provoking. I also really appreciated that some of our class times were used for extra time towards research. I really used that little bit of extra time to my advantage this semester.
— The Public History of Public Health, UMBC, Spring 2021
Dr. Bonneau is great at explaining things, and very enthusiastic and kind. He even gave the students individualized instruction on our final projects. This is what helped me with my project. Dr. Bonneau is usually very thorough in his explanations.
— History of Science to 1700, UMBC, Fall 2021
Dr B is so personable and friendly. His excitement about the course material is contagious.
— History of Science from 1700, UMBC, Spring 2021


He is very approachable outside the classroom through email since it was an online class. The open discussions about the readings helped a lot in understanding the concept. The debate was also fun to do.
— Human Context of Science and Technology, UMBC, Winter 2023
Dr Bonneau was extremely animated and fun when teaching. For a three hour class that helped a lot. It was one of the few where I paid attention the whole time. He presents material in an engaging way and switches up the style of assignments.
— History of Public Health in the US, Fall 2022, F&M
I learned about public health practices that I had never known about before. Not a lot of history classes cover public health. It was a topic I had very little background in. I know more about the reason certain issues exist today.
— History of Public Health in the US, Fall 2022, F&M
Professor Bonneau was always happy in class and it was clear he loves what he studies and loves to teach. For a 3 hour lecture, especially for someone who is a science major, I expected to be bored but he did a great job of keeping me engaged.
— History of Public Health in the US, Fall 2022, F&M
Professor Bonneau’s passion for public health is clear during every class. He provides ample opportunities for everyone to do well in the class, even creating multiple interesting events outside of class that students can get credit for.
— History of Public Health in the US, Fall 2022, F&M